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Don't Miss The Next Episode. Streaming Every Monday at 9AM MTN.

Come get your fix! A healthy fix finally! Heroin and alcohol were my master for 14 years. I was a slave to the addiction and disease. It took me overdosing on fentanyl to realize that sobriety is life and death for me. It is not like that today. Join me on my journey of living life clean and sober. It’s not easy, but it always beats the alternative!

The Sober Fix

Full Podcast Episode: Restless, Irritable, and Discontent All The Time
Tune in to the latest episode of our podcast as we dive into the topics of restlessness, irritability, and discontent. We explore how these feelings can impact mental health and sobriety, offering insights and perspectives on navigating through them. Join us on this journey of love, growth, and self-discovery as we discuss the challenges and triumphs of sober life. If you're seeking inspiration and motivation for change, this podcast is for you. Let's explore the power of recovery and the transformative journey towards a more fulfilling life.

Full Podcast Episode: The Different Types Of Drinkers
In this episode, I talk about the different types of drinkers. I share some personal experiences with alcoholism and what happens to me after the first drink. I talk about my journey from a somewhat moderate drinker to the real alcoholic. At some point I crossed a line to where I had little control over my drinking, once I would start. I talk about going to a party and having one beer and then coming to as I was being released from jail. I always tried to get sober on my own and I always ended up with the same results. Eventually, I had to surrender to my addiction and get the help that I desperately needed. Whatever you think life without alcohol and drugs will look like, I guarantee you it will be better.
Different types of drinkers exist, each with unique challenges.
Moderate drinkers can become real alcoholics over time.
The obsession to drink can lead to tragic consequences.
Surrendering to recovery is a crucial step for real alcoholics.
Support systems are essential in the recovery process.
Real alcoholics often lose control after the first drink.
The journey of recovery can lead to unexpected joy.
It's important to take responsibility for one's actions in addiction.
Life can be better in recovery than one could ever imagine.

Full Podcast Episode: Someone Needs To Hear What You Have To Say
In this episode of The Sober Fix we dive into some of the obstacles that keep us from getting sober. It was scary to think of what life would look like without drinking. When I reached the recovery rooms it took me a long time to reach my hand and participate. I forced myself to start sharing, and I finally started to get some relief. I found that no matter how long you have sober, you have something to add to the whole process. Someone out there needs to hear what you have to say. No more suffering in silence. It's time to raise our hand and participate in our own recovery.
IG: @thesoberfixpodcast
Youtube: @thesoberfix
Tiktok: @thesoberfix

Full Podcast Episode: Don't Get Complacent In Your Mental Health
Complacency can be tricky. Sometimes things get so much better that I forget the seriousness of my situation. I have to make sure that my program is constantly evolving and growing. The reading came out of The NA Just For Today for 6/29/2023. Have a great holiday!! #podcast #soberlife #soberpodcast #alcoholaddiction #sobermovement #addictiontreatment #addictive #2024 #recoverypodcast #mentalhealth
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